报 告 人:司晨 副教授,北京航空航天大学
报告时间:2024年12月27日(周五),上午 9:00-10:00
邀 请 人:路洪艳 教授
Superconductivity and charge density waves (CDWs) are two fascinating quantum phenomena in solid-state materials, both typically linked to electron-phonon coupling. In this report, I will present our recent advances in the design of materials exhibiting these phenomena. First, we propose an effective multi-orbital strategy to suppress electronic instabilities and significant quantum fluctuations in quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) superconductors. Using this strategy, we have designed a chain-like Q1D material, NaBe, which may exhibit a record-high Tc among all known Q1D superconductors. Second, we predict the emergence of charge density waves and Ising superconductivity in certain two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), including HfTe2, TaSe2, and TaTe2. Our findings show that these properties can be effectively tuned by controlling the thickness and stacking order of the TMDC layers.
司晨,北京航空航天大学材料学院副教授,博士生导师。2014年博士毕业于清华大学物理系。研究领域为计算材料学,主要从事电荷密度波材料和超导材料等低维量子材料的计算设计。以第一或通讯作者发表包括Physical Review Letters(3篇)、Advanced Materials/Advanced Functional Materials/Advanced Science(5篇)、Nano Letters(4篇)、Physical Review B(6篇)等著名期刊论文在内的SCI论文34篇,被引5000余次,h因子28。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,曾获教育部自然科学一等奖(2023)、英国皇家化学会高被引作者(2021)等荣誉。