
发布时间:2017-12-26文章来源: 浏览次数:

报告题目: Measurement of Hyperon Timelike Electromagnetic Form Factors at BESIII

报告人: 李翠博士(瑞典乌普萨拉大学)






Nucleons consitutue the major part of the mass of the visible universe and are the simplest system for which the non-abelian nature of the strong interaction is mainfest. However, despit a century of rigorous research, several aspects of the nucleon remain a puzzle. For example, we neither understand the mass nor the spin of the nucleon: the current quarks only constitute 2% of the total nucleon mass and 33% of its spin. These challenges, often referred to as the mass generation problem and the spin crisis, respectively, are nonperturbative effects of the strong interaction and belong to the most intriguing questions in contemporary physics. In this talk, I consider this problem from two angles: electromagnetic structure and strangeness. I explore the structure of starnge systems, i.e.hyperons, with the BES III experiment in Beijing, China.




关闭 打印责任编辑:刘在国
